Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oil Patch #2


Do artists seek interest in the ordinary, or do they make ordinary things interesting? Acrylic latex on illustration board 22"x28"
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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Beaver Creek, Montana #5

When the Larch turn colour, it is a magical time of year,,,,,everything glows. Love working the low horizon, makes sky important (almost every artist who works illusionistic,forgets the SKY) Acrylic latex on illustration board 22"x28"
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Beaver Creek, Montana #6

Actually not Beaver Creek, but very close, a deep look at a coming storm. Acrylic latex on illustration board 22"x28".
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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Beaver Creek, Montana #4

OK< here is the plan, try and create the illusion of sunlight on cured grasses, ferns, and fence posts. Make it rather intense and warm, late afternoonish...... Oh, and make the fence posts "heroic" worthy of our attention and study.,,, and do it with cheap house painting brush, school quality brushes, and house paint on illustration cardboard,,,,oh, and make it look like a million bucks! 22" x 28" acrylic latex on illustration board.
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Beaver Creek, Montana #3

An effort to capture atmosphere......did it work? I worry that I don't expect my art to solve social issues, or present as anti-beauty,,,,,, but for now am happy to develop skills and illusions. 22" x 28" acrylic latex on illustration board.
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Beaver Creek, Montana #2

A small series this month, working on issues of depth and atmospheric impression, things that make a painting an illusion. And a recreation of mood and feeling, an IMPRESSION if you will.... acrylic latex on illustration board 22" x 28"
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