Thursday, January 20, 2011

Beaver Creek, Montana #17


A close-up, Mullan Weed growing in the gravel by the side of the road. An invasive weed, but pretty interesting, and must do something good. Has a nice shape and almost no colour, and thrives in rough places, I like it. Acrylic latex on illustration board 22" x 28"
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Beaver Creek, Montana #15


An old store, a barn, trees planted 100 years ago, and a house back near the woods. This was to be an important town on the trade route over the Bitteroot Mountains, but time and roads bypassed it and now its an odd collection of buildings shinning in the setting sun at the foot of Flatiron Ridge, near Beaver creek. I tried to leave open space to make the busy space more important. who knows, did it work? Acrylic latex on illustration board (photographed in the setting sun) 22" x 28"
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Beaver Creek, Montana #14


Continuing with the exploration of my everyday in search of interesting stuff. A long view through the shadows into the sunlight. Is that important? How should I feel? I continue to try to capture the wind, and smell, and insects flying, and the cool-hot feel of going from shade to sun,,,,in the late summer. Acrylic latex on illustration board 22" x 28"
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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Beaver Creek, Montana #10

In the early days, Diamond Match Company paid people to take up homesteads on the valley floor so they could clear cut the timber. Today the valley is a checkerboard of blocks of timber and open fields.. Acrylic latex on illustration board @@" x 28"
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Beaver Creek, Montana #11

Where the valley meets the mountan, a road curves away, patterns and shadows are weaving a complex picture from an otherwise ordinary scene.Warm afternoon, a fly buzzes, far away a bird calls.... Acrylic latex on illustration board 22" x 28"
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